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The Laws Of Attraction

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The Laws Of Attraction

When a man sees a beautiful and sexy woman, he instantly feels sexual attraction. But what laws of attraction apply for women?

The first law of attraction is to realize that women are very different from men when it comes to sexual attraction. You will probably see a lot more average men with beautiful women than the other way around. Yes, there are some women who are only interested men who have looks and money or guys who are a certain height or age. However, most women seeking men feel sexual attraction to men based on the way he makes them feel and his personality rather than looks alone.

Another law of attraction is knowing that sexual attraction is based largely on voice and body language. If you are unaware of what type of body language communicates that you are sexy or desirable, you are probably making mistakes that could be affecting your chances with women. Learn exactly what it will take to communicate that you are both quite sexually aware, and confident in nature, using the tone of your voice and your body language.

The only effective way to attract women from the start is to master the art of getting her attention and sending a jolt of attraction down her spine. By using your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same powerful sexual attraction to you that you feel.

–DFTM, Palmeira Photography


  • Crtswdsn

    something to keep in mind for when you have to practice this method

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