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BB Pinup

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+119 rating of 127 votes

    Pony Boy
    SCH Studios


BB Pinup

My name is Brittany Janelle but most people know me as BB Pinup. I’m the skinny girl with out of this world natural body dimensions. 32D-22 -40 to be exact. I can be seen in SHOW Magazine issue #22. Check out my sexy spread it’s sure to please. I will be featured in a number of magazines very soon.

I love spending time on the beach shopping in San Francisco and drawing. People ask me how I started because everything has happened so fast and its only been a year. My original profession as a makeup artist and stylist behind the scene wasn’t working. I needed to be in front of the camera so I guess it just sort of happened. Default image by Pony Boy.

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+119 rating of 127 votes


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